Nestled in the Rockies

YMCA Estes Park CO Cabin View

From sea level to 8100 feet, I’m transported into the raw, crisp air of the Rockies. From my absolutely darling cabin nestled above Estes Park Colorado, I’m watching the sun dance across snowy peaks and pine forests.

I get to call this my home for a week and am so excited to teach Nuno Felting workshops at the YMCA of the Rockies (the name is impressive and this Y is the largest most impressive one I’ve ever seen!)

The workshops start tomorrow so today I’m cooking up a storm – making salads and hearty dishes I can munch on all week. I’m also trying to move slowly and breathe. Apparently there is 45% less oxygen up here than what I’m used to and boy howdy I feel it!

What a perfect excuse to practice Mindfulness – slow deep breathing, taking in the beauty that surrounds me and drinking lots of cold, clear water straight from the mountains.